En Passant is a project in collaboration w Mariana de Delás (ESP) and Gartnerfuglen Arkitekter (NOR)

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Átopos won the first prize in the ECT Casal Solleric (Palma) in 2013.

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“Aresta” (edge) proposes to eliminate human presence of musical performance. An ensemble of saxophones becomes the interpreter and an autonomous instrument. Eight hanging saxophones of pyramidal metallic structures and a series of loudspeakers arranged inside the tubes act are the sound source, and the instrument, as a resonator body that amplifies and filters the sound, accommodates more than a hundred LED’s creating a great choreography that moves in perfect synchrony with sound.

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del griego ὑδρο - hydro 'agua',
ύγρος - hygros 'húmedo' y
σκοπειν - skopein 'observar'

Hidroscopía/Higroscopía es un proyecto 2monos, con la colaboración de:
Diego Álvarez 'Basajaun' (España)
Wolfgang Dorninger (Austria)
Uwe Schüler (Alemania)
Jördis Drawe (Alemania)
Gabriele Kling-Dorninger (Austria).

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