«Aresta is a sculptural sound installation, turning an ensemble of saxophones into autonomous entities. The music is generated by a computer using AI, played through the instruments and synchronized with LEDs placed inside their bodies. The performer interacts with the installation, questioning the need for a human body on stage and the potential obsolescence of its role.»

Aresta can be experienced both as an installation and a performance.


Commission: FUGA
Residency: Etopia Center for Arts and Technology

Idea, Construction, Sound/Light Composition, Software, Performance: Marc Vilanova

Curation: Santiago Latorre

Production: Eduardo Pérez

Metal Production and Design: 2monos

AI Technology:DeepBach, created by Gaëtan Hadjeres (Sony Computer Science Laboratories)

Software Support:Alfredo Ardia

Installation Support:Nieves Arilla, Mateu Targa

Saxophone Quartet (recording): María Luisa Cuenca, Maria Elisabet Serra, Josep Subirats, Raúl Cuartero

Special Thanks: Alberto Bernal, Equipo Etopia, Carlos Maria Romero, Adriana Dumon, Kandis Friesen, Igi Ayedun, Mar Medinyà, Irene Anglada, Joan Albert Gisbert, Familia Vilanova Pinyol

Support: Konvent.0

Video Director: Carles Pons

Director of Photography:Fran Ríos


“Aresta” (edge) proposes to eliminate human presence of musical performance. An ensemble of saxophones becomes the interpreter and an autonomous instrument. Eight hanging saxophones of pyramidal metallic structures and a series of loudspeakers arranged inside the tubes act are the sound source, and the instrument, as a resonator body that amplifies and filters the sound, accommodates more than a hundred LED’s creating a great choreography that moves in perfect synchrony with sound.

TypeCollab w/ Dimensions7m x 4,5m x 3m.Year2018CreditsAna Benet



Cami de Sa Bassa de Sa Llentía
07140 Sencelles.
Mallorca, Balearic Island.


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